tips gas hot water heater repair

gas hot water heater repair  the temperature is cold, most people really depend on the water heater. However, what would you do if it is broken? In this case, it is best to do the basic repair of gas hot water heater before contacting the service of men. Often have water heater problems such as leaking tank, cloudy water, the water is too hot or not hot enough, and any other problem. In reality most of these problems are easy to diagnose and manage. Here are some tips for you. First to the gas leak if you smell gas near the heater, close the gas cock and turn off the pilot flame. Prior to that, do not forget to turn off power to the electric water heater. You can then call the plumber gas hot water heater repair .

Comments :

6 comments to “tips gas hot water heater repair”
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Unknown said...

There's something going on with my water heater, and I don't know how to repair it. The water will be hot for about two minutes and then it goes to iceberg cold. Is there something that I can do to fix it, or should I call someone?

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